
Valve diagnostics

Score’s field services include the provision of valve diagnostics, using a variety of techniques to identify and quantify thru-valve leakage.

AE leak detection is the finding and quantification of thru-valve leakage by monitoring the very high frequency noise a leaking fluid generates. Score has developed AE leak detection equipment which is portable, non-invasive and intrinsically safe for use on plant or offshore facilities with minimal disruption.

Score can provide personnel and equipment to undertake AE leak detection programs or to target a specific problem valve.

Score have carried out surveys in the following applications:

  • Losses to vent or flare via PSVs, vent or blowdown valves
  • Confirmation of PSV reseating after lift
  • Losses around compressor recycle loops
  • Detection of valve erosion in abrasive service
  • Ensuring compliance with performance criteria on safety critical ESDVs

Further information on the Score MIDAS® Meter and other Score valve diagnostic equipment including permanent systems can be found on

Score have demonstrated that the use of the AE technique brings quantifiable safety improvements, with on-going cost savings running to the $millions in terms of saved lost production and time benefits over alternative techniques.

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